Upon A-Rod this Year
Something about A-Rod's at bat in the twelfth yesterday just said "walk-off HR". I was watching the gamecast since 1:00, then ran to my car in between the top and bottom of the inning. I got the radion on at a 1-0 count to Giambi, and a few minutes later Alex demolished a pitch over the bullpen. As I drove, I said to myself "He's gotta do it here. If he craps out in this situation its over for him for the season. He might never win the fans back."
Im not one of the moronic fans who think that A-rod sucks. .285 with 15 HR and 55 RBI is just fine at the All-Star Break, and this is with a june swoon. Lets ask a whole bunch of questions-
Would you sign up for a .300 average with 35 HR and 125 RBI? Think that might qualify as a strong season?
The errors are a killer, but you think any team in the league wouldn't trade their 3B for Alex?
How about this for the fairweather bandwagon people who spout off with nonsense:
Would any GM not trade David Wright for Alex Rodriguez?
A sure fire HALL OF FAMER, for a guy who has had 1 1/2 strong seasons?
Lets stop with the Wright coronations huh?
Would you take any non-pitcher besides Puljos before Alex when starting a team?
I am willing to go on record right now, as I have all year. Sleep on Alex and Randy if you want, but I don't want to hear from anyone when they are smashing their way through the league. You sold them right down the river, and there is no renegging.
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