Saturday, August 14, 2004

Upon Red Bull

"Improves performance, especially during times of increased stress or strain. Increases concentration and improves reaction speed. Stimulates the metabolism"....

thus advertises Red Bull , perhaps the greatest contributing factor to my productivity at work, outside of fear. I've never enjoyed the taste of coffee, which my co-workers consume by the potful. This stuff was first introduced to me in college as a mixer for vodka, and has now become a nearly indispensible part of my day. The boost of energy it provides allows me to overcome the continual lack of sleep i subject myself to. I love and rely on this product, willingly shelling out the $2.00 and up that stores charge for an 8.3 ounce can. It does mix quite well with booze, and also can bring you back up if you have been out partying, and feel like you are done. im not in the habit of schilling for products, but Red Bull gets a nod here. "It gives you wiiiiiiiiiings"


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