Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Upon difficulties

Permit me if you will to diverge from the normal discourse concerning sports and other such interests (though truly humble reader, you are in no position not to permit me, should you so choose). An overabundance of stress has compelled me to use this space to attempt to relieve it; to vent, as it were. Perhaps a brief foray into the world of superfluous prose will allow me to establish a conduit between my emotions and the words on the page. Discretion is frequently noted as the better part of valor, but it is also the reason why specificity as to the cause of my stresses today must be avoided. Suffice it to say that when actions beyond the call of duty fail to be recognized as such, the motivation to perform actions, and the willingness to accept criticism for their performance, diminishes greatly. While storms or ire rage internally, the calm facade of social propriety must be maintained. The brief span of 2 years in this pensioning purgatory have rendered me able to weather such storms, but a insistent and legitimate part of one's character must be subdued to allow the rain to fall uncontested.

That should do for now, I thank you.


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