Thursday, June 23, 2005

Upon time's Inexorable March

I occassionally have these moments, and another one popped up today. Is it June 23rd? Seriously?? Already?? I rather unceremoniously passed the 2 year mark for working at my job, which is a trip in and of itself. Last night I went out to a bar in Rockaway and was amazed to look around at what used to consist of an awesome evening. $5 for a 16 oz cup that could be refilled with beer at $1.50 a pop. Countless 17-20 year old women,adorned with apparel designed to accentuate those body parts which they have the most confidence in displaying. This is certainly not to say that I did not admire their efforts, much as an afficionado of art may admire a masterful painting without attempting himself to take up the brush. However, the realization that these girls were 4-7 years younger than me did bring me up a bit short. There was a quote from Dazed and Confused that I happened to recall at that time "...high school girls. I get older, but they stay the same age." As I migrated through the bar, my steps paced out by the blaring tones of the popular college rock of the day, I took a very sociological/anthropological look at things, as is my want. The patterns of social interaction among youths aged 17-20 is certainly interesting when viewed in hindsight. I spent a great deal of my time while in that demographic observing such patterns, and I can now look back and test the validity of these social theses I first posited. It was amusing to note the costumes that people donned, and the packs in which they traveled. It was somewhat depressing to look at a young girl, and know that absent cosmetic surgery, she was already as attractive as she would ever be, and that the rest of her life would be a slow descent into average looks. It was with this realization that I could not find fault with her barely-there skirt, her skimpy tank-top with its obvious lack of support garment...etc. I could not begrudge her feeling cute, and as a man I am not immune to such things, though morality and better judgment do certainly rule the day. Nothing like remembering that some were 6th and 7th graders when you were a freshman in college.

So I've gotten older. The daily 8-5 grind makes a weekend of back to back 5 AM nights a hurculean task, whereas I wouldn't bat an eye at doing so in college (where I would have all week to catch up on sleep). Now I wind up with a cold that is still hitting me 4 days later. On the other side of the coin, I was able to drop the door cover without thinking about how much money I had left for the week, much less the night. Time continues to march, and the snow of the winter is being replaced with the beach sand of the summer.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a loser!!! Hanging out in bars gawking at young women you claim are too young for you. Get a grip on reality....too young for you?? or just out of your league???

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm..just to note the comment above wasn't me. Thank you. Great post btw.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Charlie said...

It quite obviously was you. Thanks for your readership though.

1:10 PM  

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