Friday, February 03, 2006

Upon a Rant

I am reading about a reaction in the Islamic world to the publishing of caricature in various European newspapers. Apparently, these caricatures poked fun at some aspects of Islam (featuring Mohammed wearing a turban-shaped bomb on his head). Now caricatures are INTENDED to irreverently poke fun at things. They are a free expression of someone's ideas, and have every right to be in a newspaper. Now I understand some people questioning the taste of this caricature, or its sensitivity...etc. I can understand an angry letter to the papers in question. However, it appears the Islamic world is reacting to this issue as rationally as they seem to with many things. Burning flags, threats, outrage, condemnation of all of europe, personal indignation, persecution claims painted with a broad brush, violence...etc. When will these psychotic motherfuckers realize that you can react without sprining to acts of violence and outrage. There is a term with people who react violently and murderously to just about anything...fucking savages.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not all Islamics react to everything with "violence and condemnation" you seem to have them confused with the terrorists. If you were informed perhaps you would know that Islam is a very peaceful religion. If Islams are offended they have the right to be, wouldn't you be if an icon of your own religion were portrayed in a blasphemous manner such as Mohammad was in the cartoons. I think more compassion and less "condemnation" on your part would enlighten your view. asshole

10:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"There is a term with people who react violently and murderously to just about anything...fucking savages."

Sigh. I thought the sentence would end with "Republicans."

Anyway, there's a whole lot of "broad brush" going on in your thought process here. "Fucking Savages." "Godless infidels." Seems to me that dehumanizing entire groups or races is the first step towards being comfortable with destroying them.

I have to politely disagree with your notion that savagery is at the heart of reacting with violence and murder. Indeed, the most murdering and violence has been done historically by the societies considered to be the height of civilization.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Charlie said...

Perhaps if you read carefully, you might notice that I did not point a finger at Muslims (not Islams and you so ignorantly put it). I pointer my finger at the reaction in the Islamic world. Perhaps all your righteous indignation had you confused. I thank you for reading and welcome any further comments you may have.

3:41 PM  

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