Friday, September 09, 2005

Upon Musings

Why is the highest seting on some things almost not useable? Like the top volume notch on a stereo, which generally renders the music unlistenable, or the highest setting on the AC, which you really only use for a few minutes until things cool down, at which point you put it to a normal setting?

How is it you can be a dynamo on 3.5 hours of sleep, and a zombie on 10+?

Is there a female equivalent to the neck-tie? I dont think the scarf qualifies.

Does anyone remember mini-discs? Or Laser discs? I wonder how big the outlook for them was.

"Baby on Board" stickers....why? Should we drive differently around you because you have a child? Unless you have more kids, the thing is outdated in 2 years anyway.

If you have to imagine something happeing to you before you feel sympathy to a persons situation, does it still qualify as sympathy?

Did nearly a million people living below sea-level not strike more people as incredibly dangerous?

Why is it I just don't believe Green Day?

How many people ever use an entire pencil?

Can we stop gelling spikes in the hair, popping the collar, and doing the other things that, would people stop and reflect, will almost certainly inspire cringes in a few years?

If you are 11,12,13,14 do you need to be on the cell phone? (this goes for the rest of the ages too)

Blogging is the new ________?

Is it really September already? Was it really 6 years ago I was starting college?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was exploring the "next blog" button at the top of blogspot pages cause i'm really bored at work today.

You hooked me...

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you bastard! you hooked me too! *cries*

10:26 AM  

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