Friday, October 07, 2005

Upon the Jewish holidays

I am not jewish, but I think I may appreciate their holy days as much as the most Orthodox among them. The place where I work is not very free with the scheduled days off, but this week I had Tuesday and Wednesday off for Rosh Hashana. Combined with the vacation day which I took on Monday, I was able to have a 5-day weekend. Now, we have Monday off in celebration of Columbus Day, two days of work, and then Thursday off to celebrate the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur. These most holy of days have resulted in 5 days off in 10 days of work, and two extended weekends (one of my doing, one scheduled). You gotta love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're getting spammed quite a bit now, you should look at blogger's new validation option. I don't know how to activate it, but you can see it in action here:

but that's not why i'm commenting... i just want to know what company allows off for JEWISH HOLLIDAYS! I mean, that's cool and all, but i've never seen that. Our company needs to do that, they're holidays are always real long.

10:21 PM  

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